How can I have healthy friendships in a relationship?

By Nya Hardaway

Dear Nya,

How do I maintain healthy friendships while in a relationship?

- Lover

Dear Lover,

I am glad you asked. I have three solid at-home remedies.

Have conversations

If you have the gut feeling you've been neglecting your friends, have a chat with your partner. Communication between you and your loved ones is important. Start with your partner, then talk to your friends about your feelings.

Make your friends a priority

Your friends just want to know they're on your mind. They miss you as much as you miss them. Set up a date, or give them a phone call. Make the effort to set aside time in your day to let them know you're thinking about them.

Listen to your friends

When your friends tell you that they miss you or that they feel like they never see you anymore, listen to that call for affection. It takes a lot of courage to tell someone that you miss them being around. It takes even more courage to speak up when you know it could potentially come off as vindictive. It's out of love because your friends want to see you happy, but your friends also want to see you outside for a coffee here and there.

I hope these help. Just know that it is okay to be excited about your relationship. It is okay to want to spend time with your partner and love them up all day, new and not-so-new relationships alike. Don't feel bad for being in love, just be mindful of the other loved ones in your life too. They deserve your time as much as your partner does.

Love Always, Nya