Vote of No Confidence Timeline

By Lionel Getten

It has come to the attention of The Breeze that many Chaffey students are unaware of the current Vote of No Confidence (VNC) occurring on our campus. This article is meant purely to be informative. The Breeze staff is currently working on an editorial to voice our own opinions, and would appreciate feedback from students, and staff. Please reach out either through our instagram @thebreezepaper, or email us at  We have also placed a form below.

First off, what is a VNC? As stated in the VNC document proposed by the Academic Senate, it is when the faculty body collectively lacks confidence in the college president to lead the college and do the work of the college based on the “whereas” statements described in the resolution. The “whereas” statements are included in the three drafts of the VNC documents that are provided beneath this article. Essentially, the “whereas” statements detail the past and ongoing issues that the Academic Senate feel the Executive Team is responsible for, and are utilizing as an argument to pass the VNC. Some “whereas” statements include allegations of nepotism and cronyism, while others include allegations of violating Chaffey’s core values.

For those who do not understand the role of the Academic Senate, we urge that you read “Academic Senate for Dummies” written by staff writer, Jose Perieda. For the sake of convenience, the Academic Senate is a governance organization that represents Chaffey College faculty in all academic and professional matters.

On the other hand, The Executive Team consists of four members: Associate Superintendent of Business Services and Economic Development, Lisa Bailey, Interim Associate Superintendent of Instruction and Institutional Effectiveness, Micheal McClellan, Associate Superintendent, Student Services and Strategic Communications, Alisha Rosas and Associate Superintendent, Administrative Services and Emergency Operations, Troy Ament. Superintendent/ President Dr. Henry Shannon is also on the board, but is currently on medical leave. Lisa Bailey is temporarily filling this position.

Before we get into the series of events that has occurred over the course of the past few months, a little context is needed:

  • Philanthropist, Mackenzie Scott, donated $25 million to Chaffey College on June 15, 2021.

  • Superintendent/President Henry D. Shannon went on leave in early August following a medical procedure and plans to return by January or earlier, on the advice of his doctor.

  • The Academic Senate is prohibited from meeting in private; all senate meetings must be public and documented.

  • Dr. Frank Harris and Dr. Luke Wood from San Diego State University held a climate survey in 2021 for Chaffey College.


In The Academic Governing Board report for Sept. 24, 2024, it was revealed that the Academic Senate has been asking for updates on the Mackenzie Scott donation for three years. They were granted a $1 million endowment from the donation, which they felt was a testament to the supposed lack of transparency between The Executive team and The Academic Senate. “When the Academic Senate asked for updates about the MacKenzie Scott gift, the Academic Senate was not asking to use the funds, and this plan is in direct contrast to the Academic Senate’s request for information and transparency.”

In an interview with Academic Senate President-Elect, Elizabeth Encarnacion and Current Academic Senate President, Nicole De Rose, they mention that the Academic Senate was not asked to participate in decision-making regarding plans for the $25 million gift, nor have they developed recommendations regarding what the money would be best suited for.

The original VNC document was published on Oct. 4, 2024 by the Academic Senate to which the Executive team responded with legal counsel, who in the words of Alisha Rosas were not in-house counsel, but funded by the district’s retaining fund specifically set aside for legal counsel. “When you speak untruth that could create irreparable harm to another individual’s reputation, career or title, you should be careful because they could sue you, right?” said Rosas.

Encarnacion and De Rose do note that legal notices are an atypical occurrence with VNC’s.

The first documented mention of a VNC was at the Oct. 8, 2024 Academic Senate meeting. In a public comment by Rose Ann Osmanian, Instructional Specialist of the Success Center and supporter of the VNC, she listed three key reasons for the vote, including, but not limited to: 

  1. Overstretching managers by not hiring new personnel to fill vacant positions, instead assigning those responsibilities to existing managers.

  2. Not embodying a growth mindset.

  3. No longer inspiring innovation.

In this same meeting, Encarnacion spoke about the Academic Issues Group (AIG) which she describes as a group that works “collaboratively to problem solve and strategize action plans that the administration can take and how the Academic Senate and faculty at large can support the necessary initiatives and programs both student life and instruction see as goals for the institution.” Her speech detailed the alleged environment of fear which has infiltrated the AIG, and includes in her speech the remarks, “I will not participate in Academic Issues Group meetings if it means manipulation games and scare tactics. I will not play games of quid pro quo, and I will not participate in these meetings if my credibility and principles are questioned.”

It was at this meeting that the Academic Senate discussed the Executive Team’s legal counsel, more specifically an email entitled, “Factual Inaccuracies and Untrue Statements in the Academic Senate’s Proposed Resolution.” In this email sent from law cooperation “ATKINSON, ANDELSON, LOYA, RUUD & ROMO,” (AALR&R) they highlight the claims of factual inaccuracies regarding illegal hiring methods. While not explicitly stated, allegations of nepotism and cronyism are what they refer to. 

“The Proposed Resolution’s unsupported assertions are not true and can only be explained as being made with a reckless disregard for the truth.” as stated by AALR&R.

In the initial VNC document, the names of the individuals accused of nepotism and cronyism are stated, including Alisha Rosas’s husband, Carlos Lequerica. However, in the updated versions, the names were removed. This decision was as a result of the Oct. 8, 2024 Academic Senate meeting, where other revisions were discussed, including potentially adding the alleged mismanagement of the Mackenzie Scott gift to the VNC document. All of the revisions were stated in an email to the faculty on Oct. 11, 2024.

In the subsequent Oct. 15, 2024 Academic Senate meeting, the VNC was halted due to a discussion surrounding another email from AALR&R. This new email suggested that the Academic Senate had failed to remove factual inaccuracies from the VNC document, and raised the issue of alleged racism. “Second, it is quite concerning that both proposed resolutions seem to focus mainly on disparaging and scrutinizing persons of color. In fact, it is my understanding that employees and individuals outside of Chaffey College have shared this observation.” as stated in the email form AALR&R. 

At this meeting, Coordinator of Distance Education, Angela Cardinale, spoke up regarding these accusations stating that the VNC is based on a well-documented history of poor performance rather than any racial motive. “I would hope executive leadership would be interested in actually addressing the content of the document rather than lobbying accusations.” Cardinale expressed.

AALR&R also mentions the timing of the VNC, which has taken place during Dr. Shannon’s medical leave of absence. The Academic Senate addressed this concern in each of the drafts of the VNC documents stating, “While acknowledging the unfortunate timing coinciding with Dr. Shannon’s medical leave, it is imperative to emphasize that the issues outlined in this resolution predate his leave and stem from a pattern of decisions and actions that have gradually undermined the faculty’s role in the college’s decision-making processes.”

On Oct. 17, 2024, two emails were sent to faculty, one by Angela Cardinale and another by Neil Watkins, English Professor and previous Academic Senate President. Both emails encouraged faculty to attend the Oct. 22, 2024 Governing Board meeting in support of the Academic Senate, and to show their support by wearing red.

On Oct. 21, 2024, The Executive team sent an email to the Academic Senate which addressed the main concerns highlighted in the VNC document and the Academic Senate meetings, explaining the progress made, if any, and future plans regarding them. 

The Oct. 22, 2024 Governing board meeting began with public comments, one of which from Dr. Frank Harris who claimed that his climate survey was misrepresented, emphasizing that the “findings of perceived nepotism were intended to improve institutional practices, not to target specific leaders, and attested to the College leadership's longstanding commitment to equity and student welfare.”

Additionally, De Rose spoke on behalf of the Academic Senate, asking to stop the implied threats of legal action against the Senate, and revise governing board policies and administrative procedures to explicitly state that the District is not allowed to engage in explicit or implied threats of legal action against the Academic Senate.

Attendee and Breeze staff writer, Rene Madrigal, described the meeting as highly emotional as a few members began to cry whilst delivering their speeches.

Dr. Shannon also made an appearance at the meeting despite his medical leave, and commented “If you don’t like it, too bad.” in response to issues raised by the Academic Senate.

On that same date, The Academic Senate held a meeting where it was revealed that President DeRose met with an attorney. This attorney shared that there was potential for a lawsuit, and attendees suggested that this was one of many alleged methods the Executive Team has used to instill fear within the Academic Senate. The VNC was once again postponed over disputes with lawyers.

The Oct. 29, 2024 Academic Senate meeting primarily surrounded the claim made by Dr. Shannon at the governing board meeting a week prior. Cardinile described the claim as “strikingly dismissive” and states that many of his supporters at the meeting were paid consultants.

When asked to interview Shannon, Executive Assistant Norma Rojero responded on Nov. 4 2024 stating that she’d relay the message to him. We have yet to receive an update. 

The VNC was passed at the Nov. 5, 2024 Academic Senate meeting as confirmed by Secretary/Treasurer of the Academic Senate, Robin Witt. She does note, however, that what was “passed” was the permission to read the VNC aloud at the Nov. 16, 2024 Governing Board meeting, and clarified that the decision is not a vote to terminate any individuals from their positions, but rather to let their concerns be expressed publicly.

The VNC was read by De Rose at the aforementioned Governing Board meeting, alongside speeches from multiple faculty members at Chaffey, including English Professor Kim George, and Academic Senate Curriculum Chair, Angela Burke-Herrick. 

Lisa Bailey also delivered a speech at this meeting addressing the claims of retaliation. She explained the legal definition of retaliation, and stated “the college has not engaged in retaliation.” 

Here’s the link to the drive with all of the documents