News Roundup 10/13/18
Photo Courtesy: Getty Images/Pool
By: Raylene Camerano
1. Kayne West Visits the White House
On October 11th, Kanye West and Jim Brown visited President Donald Trump, to talk about important topics including, “...the 13th amendment, prison reform, the importance of creating jobs in America, mental health and much more,” as reported by Michael Saponara. West explained how he did not feel included in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Her campaign slogan, "I'm With Her" did not resonate with Kanye and made him feel excluded as a man, but he says he loves everybody-referring to Clinton. He also stated that his MAGA hat made him “feel like Superman." He expressed, "it gives me power in a certain way.” He discussed his thoughts on creating jobs for citizens of America and providing opportunities for men with mental health after talking about his own health struggles.
Source: Billboard
2. Death Toll Rises After Hurricane Michael
As of October 12th, authorities have reported 16 deaths from the aftermath of Hurricane Michael. Authorities say that they have received thousands of calls from individuals in search of loved ones, but the power outage has slowed the process completely. They also believe the death toll will rise as they continue to search for the civilians affected by the natural disaster. Troopers and the National Guard have been searching for survivors, going door-to-door, one demolished area to the next.
Source: CBS News
3. Christian Pastor Freed from Turkey
Andrew Brunson, United States pastor, has finally been freed from Turkish prison. He was accused of spying on Turkish authorities and aiding terrorists. He was sentenced to “3 years, 1 month, and 15 days.” The judge in charge of his case, granted him permission to travel home, setting him free after a long drawn-out fight between the U.S. and Turkey. President Trump invited Brunson to the White House and stated, “We’re very honored to have him back here with us.” Reports have been made that the two countries are currently working towards amending disputes.
Source: New York Times
4. Saudi Journalist May Have Recorded His Own Death
Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist, may have recorded his own death, reported by Sabah newspaper. He turned on his Apple watch before entering into the Saudi building and his fiancee who was waiting on the street said he never exited. Some files were deleted but the "interrogation, torture, and killing were audio recorded and sent to both his phone and to iCloud,” a private newspaper reports. Saudi Arabia officials have denied any involvement in the assassination and Turkish authorities are waiting on evidence reports that confirm Saudi's claims that Khashoggi left the complex.
Source: CNN
5. Facebook Data Leaks After an Attack on User Profiles
Around 29 million accounts were leaked from an attack on Facebook. User profiles containing sensitive information including, “their name, phone number, email address, gender, local/language, relationship status, religion, hometown, current city, birth date, education, work, website, people and pages followed, and the devices they use to go on Facebook,” The Week reports from Facebook. This information was leaked but is unknown to where.The 15 most recent searches as well as the last location logins that users made were leaked too. An FBI investigation is currently under the works to catch the hacker.
Source: The Week