Student Scholar Celebration on Chaffey Campus

The Center for Culture and Social Justice (CCSJ) and Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) collaborate to hold a Student Scholar Celebration, where students and allies were acknowledged on graduating from Chaffey, given stoles for their graduation day, and encouraged to continue to achieve their academic goals.

By Nya Hardaway

On Friday, May 12, 2023, Chaffey’s Student Scholar Celebration was held on Chaffey’s Rancho Cucamonga campus.

The celebration, which awarded multiple awards and sashes for students who attended, was hosted by Chaffey's former LGBTQIA+ and Undocumented Student Liaison, María Barragan.

When asked about the turnout for the event, Barragan stated, “It was a good turnout! We had a high percentage of students attend, I felt good about that.”

The room was beautifully decorated with the colors of a monarch butterfly. Photo by Nya Hardaway

Barragan started the celebration by introducing herself, Albert Rodriguez, the Director of Student Equity and Engagement, and Diana Sanchez, the Director of EOPS. They both took their time at the podium to share their experiences of being undocumented and how they have come to be in their current positions. Their stories were moving and inspiring to the room.

To start the ceremony, Barragan introduced UNIDOS club advisor, Neil Watkins. Watkins has been a vital part of the undocumented community at Chaffey and a long-term ally in the process of developing the club into what it is today. Together they began to call names and give each student a stole and a medal to commemorate their accomplishments.

A closer look of the stoles and medallions that were given to students. Photo by Nya Hardaway

The stoles given were designed by Barragan herself and were inspired by the medallion EOPS rewards to students and stole samples from other campuses. The white stole with orange lining, and the words, “UNDOCU Scholar” on the left, and “Chaffey College” on the right in gold, laid on the table for each student to see as they took their seats. The stoles also had two monarch butterflies on them, symbolizing the support of the undocumented community.

Barragan hopes that students take away a sense of accomplishment and pride from the event, “They deserve to be celebrated. We often don't get celebrated, we are always having to prove ourselves and do more and more and more. It’s always ‘What's next?’. We don’t take the time to stop, reflect, celebrate, and really honor all of the work we’ve done. I hope they take that time.”

Maria Barragan all smiles after the ceremony successfully wrapped up! Photo by Nya Hardaway