Tips for Finals During Quarantine

By: Nadia Castro


Due to quarantine, online schooling has many students fear their grades because of the lack of motivation and different obligations at home. Most students can testify that online classes aren’t the same as sitting in a classroom day to day. While school carried on with adjustments, so have the essential businesses. Students who are essential workers are currently working and adjusting to this dramatic lifestyle change. The struggle of attending zoom calls, homework deadlines and exams can be overwhelming for student workers and for the students who aren’t in their educational atmosphere. Students are now the teacher for younger siblings while the parents work or do not have a schedule that aligns with work to school.

Finals are ahead of us, so here are a few ways to encourage better study habits.

The first step to maintaining deadlines and study habits is a schedule that is built just for you. No one is going to advise waking up at five in the morning each day because morning birds and night owls work best at different times. An active everyday schedule for each course will help focus on what’s due, as well as the upcoming assignments that can be done ahead. Add in any zoom meetings with the time, homework that’s needed to be done and study time of at least an hour or two. Include the essential priorities like your job hours, chores and sibling matters. The important part of your schedule is to include break times to rejuvenate your mind for a while with eating a meal, going for a walk, etc. Know your limit, but don’t stray off because the goal is to accomplish what needs to be done.

The atmosphere at home is much different than at school, so learning at home can be a challenge. Distractions are everywhere, even parents or siblings can be our distraction. Find a space that is both relaxing and concentrating - possibly the front yard, backyard, or your room. In a room, candles may help attract calmness. Lighting, depending on your preferences, can increase your focus on the work. Music can be a distraction, but this depends on the person. Classical may help, but Spotify and Apple Music offer study playlists to drown out as background noise to help in order to keep your stress levels down.

An organized workspace can help your schedule flow smoothly and organized notes can make studying easier. With the stress and long hours it can add, these tips help make it a little less painful. Everybody loves a good game, so create one with flash cards. Flash cards seem dull, but the matching game can get quite competitive once you get going. Write a definition or facts down to match, shuffle, lay them out then start! With learning there needs to be a growth mindset, be positive that with the journey ahead you will end with a strong finish. Friends or classmates are great sources to reach out to while studying. Everyone wants to pass, so studying together will lightened the load and catch facts you might not have thought of.

Don’t forget that Chaffey College offers online resources on Canvas. Go to Student Hub to see a variety of sections that can help you during finals week. The online library service can be used to access articles, databases and research guides. The success center section provides online tutoring and workshops that allow you to do walk-in sessions or set up a tutoring session for a small group of students. Reach out to ask for assistance on your education.

Balance yourself to maintain a positive mindset during this month and in the future. Allow yourself to take the necessary breaks and eat the food you need. During these uncertain times it’s easy to give in and feel alone, but together we can push to the finish line.