A Look Into Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez

By: Vanessa Fabian

Rare Beauty has launched and it intrigued the makeup industry with its unique message on mental health and beauty standards. Famous actress and singer Selena Gomez has created a cosmetic line she felt was needed in makeup aisles. The mission behind Rare Beauty is to stop the unrealistic beauty standards that have been set recently in a world that is now dominated by makeup. It is Selena’s goal to challenge beauty myths by using her makeup line as a tool to celebrate diversity and self-love. Selena’s dream began two years ago when she knew she wanted to create a mission-driven makeup line in which her buyers could recognize how being rare is beautiful. In her own words Selena states, 

“It’s not about being someone else, but being who you are.” 

The 28-year-old firmly believes that mental health and beauty can coexist as what you feel inside will always reflect on the outside. For this reason, she created a foundation named Rare Impact Fund with the target of raising $100 million towards global mental health initiatives over the course of ten years. She would donate one percent of all sales including funds raised from her partners. Selena’s desire was to make sure that a safe space and environment was being created through her cosmetic line.

Selena recently appeared on the cover Allure October 2020 with a makeup look created by herself with her own brand, Rare Beauty. She decided to do her own makeup after the current pandemic left her without her go-to makeup artist. Her overall appearance in the cover fascinated many as Gomez gave the idea of a natural look. She had brushed brows with coral lips along with a flower crown on her head. Her makeup and clothing seemed to be inspired by the looks of Mexican painter, Frida Kahlo, with a unique essence of a Renaissance painting. Selena stated she was quite nervous at the time she created this look, but was quite proud to show she was wearing her own beauty brand.

On Aug. 4. Selena Gomez announced she would be dropping her beauty line through a video shared on Rare Beauty’s Instagram. Fans were able to get a glimpse of the multiple products in the line launching early September. While in the video Selena shared her thoughts behind this project reminding her audience that Rare Beauty has come to embrace individuality and imperfections in a time where it’s all about makeup. 

Rare Beauty launched on Sept. 3. in the United States, Canada and Mexico and would be available in more regions around the world in 2021. The products would be available only at  Sephora, SephoraCanada, SephoraMx and RareBeauty.com. Selena created a 14-category collection with 150 SKUS including 48 shades of foundation, matte lip creams, brow refiners, liquid blush, lip balms, buttery lipsticks, shimmer highlighters and multiple complexion products. Selena and her team made sure to include a variety of shades for the concealer and foundation products with different color options to enhance each person’s skin color. Her goal was to create a beauty line in which the price of each product would not exceed $30. Some of the products included in her collection are the Always an Optimist Illuminating Primer ($26) and Brow Harmony Pencil & Gel ($22). One of Selena’s personal favorite products is the Lip Soufflé Matte Lip Cream, which she mentions is punchily pigmented heaven. 

Selena’s cosmetic line has caused commotion in the beauty industry. A variety of influencers and YouTubers have been reviewing Rare Beauty. One of them being Karen Sarahi Gonzalez better known as @iluvsarahii a beauty influencer on Instagram and YouTube. Karen mentioned she was usually not someone to review beauty launches, but she would just rather create a makeup look for the fun of it. When she received the collection from Rare Beauty she was immediately impressed by the quality and looks of the products. She decided to film a makeup look with the products and mentioned it was a “thumbs up” for her. 

The multitalented actress, singer and now beauty entrepreneur launched a cosmetic line with a different perspective on beauty. She captured the attention of many through the mission she has created through her makeup products. Selena mentions she is excited to see the results of her beauty brand and the positive impact it will have on the world. While reminding her audience that makeup should be enjoyable. Selena says, 

"When I'm with myself and playing with makeup it's so much fun."