HoC: Issa Jraisat

Humans of Chaffey

Issa Jraisat, Photo by Austin Smedley

Issa Jraisat, Photo by Austin Smedley

Sociology professor Issa Jraisat is a fresh face at Chaffey, and approaches Sociology with the perspective of an immigrant. The STEM department at Chaffey College has a new addition in Professor Issa Jraisat. From medicine to the therapeutic sciences, the next generation of science majors will be guided by knowledgeable teachers if Jraisat has anything to say about it.

Each professor has their own specific goals when they decide to get their credentials. While these goals can vary, the core objective of any professor is to teach, and teach well.

“My goal is to educate students about society and Sociology, and to change people’s lives, generally speaking. My life was changed as an immigrant by my professors at Chaffey College,” said Jraisat.

Jraisat moved to the United States in 2003 as an immigrant from Jordan. He soon began attending Chaffey because it was close to home. Being the first of his family to come to America, the transition proved to be a challenge, according to Jraisat. However, it was at Chaffey where Jraisat found his passion for Sociology and teaching.

Distance, along with Jraisat being a former student at Chaffey, played a role in his decision to teach at Chaffey. In Jraisat’s case, his love for Sociology and Chaffey is what led him to return and share his knowledge with students.

“It was close by, yes. I went to Chaffey, and I loved it. When I got my master’s degree, I applied to Chaffey because I loved it so much.” said Jraisat.

As a professor, Jraisat believes he has a responsibility to teach the next generation of students. With studies covering sexuality, gender identity, etc. breaking ground, professors who teach the subject have to watch where they step. Sociology is a subject that involves ideas of a personal nature, like sexual and gender identity. This concept is what keeps Jraisat’s passion for teaching alive.

“Seeing students become inspired and changing their lives. Giving the knowledge I received when I was eighteen at Chaffey College is what I love about teaching,” said Jraisat.

Elections have recently taken place in the United States, and it was strongly emphasized to students across the nation to make their voices heard. Professor Jraisat’s background as an immigrant leaves him with a passion to see students participate in elections both in the present and future.

"I think it’s extremely important for people to vote. Your voice will be heard in the voting format, and your voice will help change society,” said Jraisat.

Professor Jraisat is the first member of his family to have made it to the United States without issue, and hopes to pass on the tale of triumph to his younger cousins who are attending Chaffey College.