HoC: Jason Schneck

Humans of Chaffey

Jason Schneck, Photo by Ryan Gibson

Jason Schneck, Photo by Ryan Gibson

The United States was formed with the hope that it would be a land of second chances. This ideal is built on the belief that we, as humans, are all redeemable, no matter our past.

When Jason Schneck was thirteen years old he made a mistake that landed him in the criminal justice system. Today, Jason Schneck spends his free time guiding Chaffey's formerly incarcerated students in getting their degree and reintegrating with society.

Schneck works as the Alt Media Technical Specialist at the Chaffey Rancho campus DPS center, assisting students in achieving their goals in the classroom. At the DPS center, Schneck takes the classroom materials of over 1,000 students and converts them into a format that is accessible to whichever student he is working with.

“I convert materials into accessible formats for students with disabilities and so I’ll take their materials they use for their classes and I’ll then make it accessible for them to use for whatever class they’re taking,” Schneck says. “On the other side of it, I work with technology so I also train them to be able to use those technologies to access information or class materials or whatever the case may be.”

Over 2,000 students at Chaffey are a part of the DPS center. Each one entered the program with the goal of achieving a higher understanding of the courses they are enrolled in. Schneck handles students here on an individual level, getting to know their needs in order to best convert their materials into an accessible form.

Schneck explains that his typical day consists of getting to know students individually, how they work with classroom materials and then working together to get them the materials they need. Once the accommodations have been met, Schneck keeps a record of all the materials the student is using to ensure there are replacements available.

“It’s all student driven requests. So if a student needs these resources then they are required to be able to then come and see me rather than me going out, and searching for them to be able to get what they need,” Schneck tells us of the students’ responsibility in joining DPS.

Schneck's ability to help over 1,000 individual DPS students meet their academic goals by understanding each student's needs is a key component in doing his job. Schneck believes by working together with faculty & his students his job becomes easier.

“It can be difficult but it’s a team effort,” Schneck says regarding his work between students, faculty and DPS. “By working through the faculty individuals, the student and myself we are able to come up with a plan that works for that student.”

Schneck is also the Vice President of the P.I.N.T.O. club on campus. The club works with formerly incarcerated students at acclimating into society through education, and hosts events in which they speak out. Members share testimony of their incarceration, and the role education played in putting their life back together.

Rohilio Robles, the club's President, came to Schneck to become P.I.N.T.O.'s V.P. From there Schneck tells that “[by] teaming up with other groups on and off campus" P.I.N.T.O. has managed to grow. He credits support from Chaffey's Financial Aid, EOPS, Special Populations and Equity and Career Center offices.

"There is hope even when you are struggling," says Schneck, "even when you are hitting a breaking point, even when you’re doing all of that, you still have hope that you can succeed, you just gotta keep at it.”

Edit: This article was updated at 12:30 PM to better reflect Jason Schneck, and improve grammar.