Photographing Chaffey
Humans of Chaffey
Julia Barnett. Photo by Isabella Rotella.
Julia Barnett is hoping to break into the photography industry and use her skills to help others view some of the biggest moments from events that are happening around the world. Barnett is a third-year photography major at Chaffey College and is hoping to complete her associate degree in May of 2020.
Barnett’s interest in photography peaked when she went to a photography museum with her mother and a friend at the end of her senior year at Etiwanda High School. After graduating, Barnett decided to come to Chaffey and build her photography skills. Chaffey was her first choice because it was more financially feasible for her and her family than going to a four-year university. She has come to the conclusion that once she finishes her last class next semester, she wants to go directly into the workforce instead of transferring.
A photography degree from Chaffey requires classes such as Studio Lighting and History of Photography. These classes teach students the basics of photography and how students will use the skills they learn to get work in the industry, whether it be freelance work or employment through a specific organization. Barnett states that up to this point, her favorite class at Chaffey was her Studio Lighting class last semester. She enjoyed the opportunity to learn about photography and enhance her skillset. There are a growing number of jobs available in photojournalism, photographing for schools, wedding photography and many other fields.
Barnett dreams of traveling the world to photograph concerts and other entertainment celebrities. The artists that she wants to photograph the most include Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, both former members of the band One Direction. Barnett would also love to work with magazines such as Vogue. She does not have a particular studio that she wants to work for and prefers to do her own freelance work. According to Barnett, freelance work will give her an opportunity to travel the world and explore new places. While not doing photography as a hobby, Barnett works for a studio that takes school pictures for local elementary schools during the year. She enjoys going in and setting up the equipment and taking school pictures for the children. The only thing she does not enjoy is having to wake up at three in the morning in order to make it to the studio on time.
Barnett loves going to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and viewing the different exhibits they have on display. and she dreams of taking photos like these during her own career. She is trying to attend events that allow her to travel to countries in Europe, Eurasia, South America and Australia. She is trying to establish an online presence for herself by creating her own website that will include a portfolio of her work. Barnett hopes the website will help her gain recognition in the industry and allow her to get a foot in the door so she can begin working as soon as she is finished at Chaffey. Her family has been very supportive of her dreams, and they have helped her tremendously with getting her website up and running. She is receiving all of this support even though she is the only person in her family that is pursuing a career in photography.
Barnett has already done video and editing work for interviews on a friend's YouTube channel. She has travelled all over Southern California to do this videography. Julia has family in Central California, and loves to travel back to the Fresno and Visalia area to spend time with them whenever she has the opportunity. She currently has a page dedicated to her photography on both Instagram and Facebook (@julia.barnettphotography).
Sonya Sexton has a personal relationship with Julia Barnett.