Mandalorian Star Fired

By: Valerie Gutierrez

Actress and MMA star Gina Carano was recently fired from Disney Plus original show "The Mandalorian." Disney let the actress go after she shared some offensive posts on her social media accounts. Carano shared a post on her Instagram story that said, 

"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors... even by children." 

This is Carano's first post that offended people. She has many other posts that led people to start the hashtag #fireginacarano. Controversy tends to follow Carano's online presence. 

On September of 2020, Carano upset the transgender community when she put beep/bop/boop in her Twitter bio. Many saw this as her attacking those who place their preferred pronouns in their bios on social media.

Carano does not shy away when it comes to sharing her beliefs. She has shared on occasion that she is against the mask mandate and has expressed how she feels about business and churches being shut down. One tweet in particular caused many to believe she is racist.

"Open up your businesses & churches. Put whatever regulations you want to because that is your right but open them up. You’re telling me Covid-19 knows the difference between a protest or praise & worship. I haven’t even been to church in over a decade but I sure would go now."

People on Twitter did not take this tweet lightly. The majority of Twitter users believed she was against the protest that focused on the Blacks Lives Matter movement surrounding the death of George Floyd. Her post caused fans to pressure Disney and Lucasfilm to fire the actress. 

The actress does not shy away when it comes to defending herself. She is always quick to respond or fire back when someone calls her out.

One Twitter user told Carano that those who were responding to her posts were simply trying to educate her but she did not agree. She tweeted that they were cowards and bullies, not educators.

After several of her controversial posts Disney decided to fire her. Not long after her firing, Carano went on the Ben Shapiro show to talk about the whole incident and give her side of the story. Throughout the interview she talks about her posts and explains how the hashtag started. She tells Shapiro that from the very beginning of her work for Disney and Lucasfilm she felt as though the companies were after her. 

Carano was set to star as the lead of her own show for Disney Plus. The show has now been canceled due to her no longer working for Disney but fans are requesting they hire someone else to take over her role. 

As of now there are no updates on what will happen to her character on "The Mandalorian."