Student Invitational

By Alondra Alarcon

The college's annual Student invitational, an exhibit that features student artists, is on display until May 11. The exhibition shows pantings, drawings, photography, and even animation from students who are selected to display their art in the on-campus museum. The event is open for the public.

22 year-old, Lily Weiling's pantings are a representation of trans women, Marsha Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and Lili Elbe known as "The Triumfeminate."

"Lili Elbe as an artist and model who came to prominece in Weimar Germany," she said. "Marsha Johnson and Sylvia Rivera were pioneers in gay liberation."

Victoria Ramirez, 20, had very colorful abstract pantings. When asked where she got her inspiration for her work she said," my inspiration is my life and feelings , make people feel moved".

Raylene Jimenez, 27, had very personal photographs in the museum. She was influenced by a particular book The labyrinth of Solitude. In the book the author says " fear makes us turn our backs on death, and by refusing to contemplate it we shut ourselves off from life", After her marriage ended she traveled to Mexico and it ended up being a coping mechanism for her.

"It was kinda like a pharallel all the things I was photographing was kinda things I connected and reminded me of him or an a emotion."

She stated in the student invitational pamphlet that she was dealing with the unknown. 

"I was dealing with a kind of death," she said.

Josh Vega also had his photographs in the museum he captured the punk scene around the country. He traveled to South Cal, North Cal ,to even Florida. He has been going to shows for years now through he hears from flyers .

"A few years back I decided to start photographing the local punk scene.In the beggining it was way to give back or make a contribution to something I feel involved with. Now I see myself as a documentarian of sorts, changing me from being a kid who listened to the music into a kid who sees the music."

"I wanted to document the people stuff like that but also get the energy from the photos".

There were also drawings done with pencil on a paper . Eduardo Galvez ,22 ,had expilicit work . His drawings consisted of man and a woman naked from a past relationship.

"Personal narratives of my life usually I do more personal drawings from the internet , I try to be more daring with what I tackle".

He stated that "their is no message in his work it's all experiences".

Vienna Medina ( Zen) , 22 , shook things up at the museum with her animation piece.

"I always have been big a fan of animation ever since I been little , that's what I pretty much grew up on and to me in the amination world anything can happen"

"And in a way it was also kinda also my sanctuary since I grew up being bullied and all that animation was my safe home".

Tiffany Smith , has some paintings of her intripation of selfies.

In the pamplet she stated " My work is a consideration of the modern portrait. My only interested in reproducing any glamor shots of myself or my friends."

"Instead, my focus is on the insecurities people, including myself, have about their physical appearance. I like double chins, moles,bad teeth, hair in the wrong place, acne, bad glasses, bad makeup,shots from unflattering angles,bad hair, awkward smiles, cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles,body fat , and freckles."

Jesus Meza, has photographs of the skateboard scene called 26th Ave. His pictures captured skate boards and a particular environment for skating in black and white.

"In some ways, skateboarding and photography contrast each other but it isn't until you drop yourself deeper into the two lifestyles that you see how essential a photographer's role is in skateboarding."

Crystal Dickerson-Hancook, also has photography inside . She has pictures of a woman to capture the universal archetypal. She was captivated by the Italian Renaissance period.

"I use photography to access a similar kind of visual language," she said.