Disney Annual Passes Return as Magic Keys
By: Jailyn Mitchell
Graphic by Jailyn Mitchell
Amusement parks are seeing more normalcy as parks reopen and mask mandates get updated. Disney’s California parks are finally seeing the return of annual passports in the form of a digital “Magic Key.” The Magic Key annual pass program was announced on Aug. 3 by the D23 Team for Legacy Passholder and pre-pandemic Disneyland Passholders. The new Magic Key program is designed to provide reservation-based admission to one or both of the Disneyland Resort Theme parks. On Aug. 25 at 10 a.m., Disney released four Magic Key types with a variety of features. These include admission days, pricing options, experiences, savings on food, beverages and merchandise throughout the parks. These options were curated in the park-goer's own best interests so they can get the most value.
Imagine Key
The Imagine Key is a SoCal Resident exclusive pass that costs $399 per year. SoCal residents will have the option to pay for their Key in installments. For the Imagine Key, residents choosing to pay in installments will be expected to pay $19 a month for 12 months. With this reservation-based pass, you are granted entry into one or both theme parks on select days of the year. The Imagine Key has the fewest selected days to enter the park but is convenient and on the cheaper side. Imagine Keyholders can hold a total of two theme park reservations at a time. As far as discounts go, Imagine Keyholders receive 10% off select merchandise and dining.
Enchant Key
The Enchant Key is a reservation-based admission annual pass that costs $649 and allows Keyholders to enter the theme parks on selected days of the year. For the Enchant Key, residents choosing to pay in installments will be expected to pay $40 a month for 12 months. This Key contains more entry days than the Imagine Key but is still reasonable. With the Enchant Key, holders can reserve up to four theme park reservations at one time. Like the Imagine Key, Enchant Keyholders receive 10% off their dining and merchandise purchases.
Believe Key
The Believe Key is a reservation-based admission annual pass that costs $949 and allows Keyholders to enter the theme parks on selected days of the year. For the Believe Key, residents choosing to pay in installments will be expected to pay $65 a month. This Key is the second to the highest Key Disney has available and comes up to six park reservations at one time. This pass has more days than the previous two Keys, but is not an open reservation calendar. With the Believe Key, Keyholders receive a 10% discount on select merchandise and dining and a 50% off theme park parking.
Dream Key
The Dream Key is Disney’s highest Magic Key, coming in at $1,399 a year. For the Dream Key, residents choosing to pay in installments will be expected to pay $102 a month. As the more expensive Key, you get an open reservation calendar, including Spring Break and weekends. Like the Believe Key, this Key allows you to have up to six theme park reservations at a time. With the Dream Key, Keyholders receive a 20% off select merchandise, 15% off select dining and standard theme park parking included.
With all of these Keys, purchasers who buy their annual passes by Oct. 30 will receive a charter member welcome package with this commemorative pin and many more items according to the Disneyland Magic Key Facebook page. As amusement parks regain some normalcy, Disney fans are growing more and more excited to get back.