Preventing the Spread of COVID-19

By: Joshua Villegas

According to Center for Disease Control, if one shows symptoms of COVID-19, they should follow the protocol of staying home for 14 days from when the symptoms began. If there are other people in the household, they should also remain isolated for 14 days.

If possible, any vulnerable individuals such as elderly and those with poor health conditions, should temporarily move out of the household to a safer environment during the isolation period. If not possible, the person in isolation should stay away from them as much as possible.

Furthermore, it’s vital for people at home to wash their hands regularly for about twenty seconds with soap and warm running water, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

It has also been suggested that people promote information about following guidelines from health authorities by connecting with friends and family at home and also through social media platforms. People should frequently clean surfaces such as door handles, remote controls and table tops. Personal waste, such as used tissues and disposable cleaning clothes should be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags, then placed in a second rubbish bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. Moreover, avoid shaking dirty laundry to minimize the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air. One should cover their coughs and sneeze with disposable tissues - if there are none available, they should sneeze into the crook of an elbow, not the hands. More information on how to maintain a safe environment can be found on the Cleveland Clinic website.

Exercising at home has also been urged because it can help build stronger immunity. There are multiple online courses that can help in taking light exercise, Harvard University has online courses where a person can schedule a class to have a well-rounded exercise plan. You can also visit Alison to help set up a fitness goal and then receive a certificate once you finish the course.

It’s critical to not invite or allow visitors or friends to enter the home. Staying at home during the quarantine will help control the spread of the virus to friends, our community and particularly the vulnerable ones.