Have the Republicans been pushing the second round of stimulus checks to the side?

By: Jailyn Mitchell

Due to the growing pandemic, the number of jobs lost has reached 40 million. Because COVID-19 has continued to affect Americans longer than anticipated, families have been in desperate need of a second stimulus check. However, the Republican Party has been focusing more on the Presidential election and the creditability of each vote. While the president has been filing lawsuits against swing states' Supreme Courts, families are struggling to keep their heads above water. In March, the government accepted the stimulus package. This package was meant to be a direct payment to individual taxpayers in order to alleviate the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While this was one of the largest stimulus packages passed, people were in need of more money in order to keep living. Most Americans this spring received their stimulus aid from the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act). Citizens began receiving their checks via direct deposit in early April from the Treasury Department. These checks were part of a $2 trillion stimulus package to provide relief to American workers and an economy reel from the coronavirus crisis. The checks were due to be distributed by early to mid-April, however, 9 million complaining of not receiving their checks in September. This type of incident may have people concerned about their second package coming later than they need it.

By the time people had managed to get their CARES Act stimulus package, the HEROES Act (Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act) has been announced as the second stimulus package. However, Americans were on the fence saying, “Stop playing games with our lives.” People across the nation found themselves on edge of financial tragedy, pleading for politicians to pass the bill for this second stimulus check. The first stimulus package seemed to run out fast after being used to pay the necessary bills to keep heads above water. However, the process of passing the act has taken longer than anticipated. 

Forbes gave five reasons as to why the second stimulus checks haven’t been released yet:

1. The election is over

Because of the Republican Party's recent loss of the election, members of Congress are less focused on political posturing in an election year. Meaning that the second stimulus check has been placed on the back burner, becoming less of a policy focus.

2. Stimulus checks may be delayed until next year

While many may want the stimulus checks immediately, however, if Congress passes it, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) may prefer it happens next year. Why? In hopes that the responsibility will fall on the incoming Biden administration instead of the Trump administration.

3. Congress hasn’t agreed on a stimulus package

While Congress could pass standalone legislation that includes stimulus checks, they also want a comprehensive and cohesive stimulus package. However, Republicans and Democrats can’t seem to agree on the stimulus legislation.

4. Do stimulus checks stimulate the economy?

While the name suggests it, it isn’t universally accepted that stimulus checks substantially boost the economy. While recipients were expected to use their stimulus checks in local businesses, most decided to either save the money or pay off debt. Therefore, not stimulating the economy by much.

5. Congress has focused on other economic priorities

Congress has been torn on the importance of the stimulus checks, resulting in many Congress members shifting their attention to other economic priorities like unemployment insurance

The hows and whens of the stimulus checks have yet to be released as of now, however, Trump released a statement calling for the second stimulus check “right now” as we get close to the year-end deadline for COVID-19 relief.

NewsJailyn Mitchell