Trump's Visit to Not So Sunny California

Photo by Hector Solorzano

Photo by Hector Solorzano

On Tuesday March 13, President Trump began his trip to California in San Diego, visiting the U.S-Mexico border to view the prototypes for his wall. Trump supporters welcomed him a few miles from the border chanting "U.S.A!" and sporting their Trump swag. Anti-Trump and anti-wall protesters gathered at the border to protest Trump's visit and his policies on immigration. Trump also spoke to members of the military while in San Diego. 

After the visit to the border, Trump arrived in Los Angeles where he participated in a fundraiser. He participated in a round-table with Republican National Committee supporters in Beverly Hills where there was 90 expected attendees whom gave a minimum of $35,000 and up to $250,000. 

Hundreds of Angelenos gathered at Beverly Gardens Park to protest Trumps visit and his policies. This event brought many activists groups together including immigrant, LGBTQ+ and human rights groups. There was live music, street vendors and a stage set up for speakers. One group brought a large inflatable Donald Trump holding a KKK mask and placed it near the front of the park. Cars honked at the protesters, in support of the messages written on their signs. 

There were a few Trump supporters at the event. The Trump supporters and the anti-Trump activists argued about policy, Trumps rhetoric and the chaos in the White House.

Carlos Marroquin, 57, is an organizer in Southern California who disagrees with every policy Trump has passed since becoming President. 

"What brings us here today is President Donald Trump's policies. They are hurtful, harmful and divisive against the working class, the poor and people of color." Marroquin says that every activist group that helped run the event and all other groups that joined throughout the day felt hurt as a result of the policies that Trump has put forth.

Twenty eight year old Wendy Figueroa was born and raised in Los Angeles and came out to support her undocumented family members. 

"I have family that are not from this country, so I'm representing them. I'm legal here, born and raised, so I'm a representation of them and what they can't voice." Figueroa wanted to make it clear to Trump that all immigrants make this country. She was at this event to support her family and all immigrants in the United States. 

In the midst of the country's midterm elections and California's gubernatorial race, there were many politicians present during the protest. 

California State Treasurer and gubernatorial candidate John Chiang, was there to support his fellow Californians and to send a message to Donald Trump about the good of diversity and about the immigration policies California has put forth independently. 

"California is great. He [Donald Trump] talks about making America great so he's in the right place to see what greatness looks likes." Chiang also said, "We're going to stand up to your politics, division, hate and bigotry." Chiang said the nation and the State of California need to keep their promises to the DREAMers still living in the unknown. "If you're doing the right thing, we understand your history and we welcome your values and your hard work." 

Photos by Hector Solorzano