Latinx Comedy Hour

Left- Mike Cano, Center-Jesus Sepulveda, Right-Monique Flores. Photo by Kenya Staley

Left- Mike Cano, Center-Jesus Sepulveda, Right-Monique Flores. Photo by Kenya Staley

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Latina Leadership Network Club hosted a Comedy Hour event at the Chaffey Rancho campus on Thursday, September 18. There were performances from Mike Cano, Jesus Sepulveda and Monique Flores in an hour-long event. Followed by burritos and refreshments, each comedian brought something fresh and funny to the stage, but it was their pride in being Hispanic that resonated with the students. Whether it was about being a single parent, adapting to American culture or starting over to pursue a passion, they captivated the audience through their monologues.

Mike Cano introduced the event by touching on the joys of being a dad, growing up in Chino and fighting stereotypes. He gave a performance that had the audience laughing uncontrollably but also wanting more.

"Are there any cholos in Rancho?" Cano asked while reminiscing about his childhood in Chino. As the laughter continued he reminded people to put away their phones, be in the moment, and enjoy the show.

Monique Flores shared a part of her world and related to the students through her stories on starting over and the pressures we face in life. "I finally quit my job in real estate, "and I said, 'Let's give comedy a try because I dreamt it" she continued, "Getting acknowledgment from my thoughts and making people laugh from it is my validation." As she closed out her set, she reiterated how important the current generation of college students is, and what difference they can make by chasing their dreams.

HBO star Jesus Sepulveda ended the event by giving a raw performance about growing up Latino in America. Sepulveda captivated the audience with impersonations of his "tias","tios", dad and past teachers. Most notably he recounted childhood memories of spending time in Mexico and coming back a different person. "It's a weird time for Latinos, especially with our president right now" he continued, "I hate that people think we're lazy because immigrants are some of the hardest working people I know." Audience members cheered him on as he spoke about the unapologetic love for his culture and how important Hispanic pride is.

Before the event wrapped up, comedian Mike Cano left the students with some advice, "It's really important for us to be apart of the diversity because laughter brings everyone together. Sometimes when you look at it from a religious or political standpoint or the way we live, whether it be the way we eat, talk or raise our kids it gets real muddy, dangerous and offensive. But when we sit together, laugh together then we can grow together."